Taylor Shows Charity Support

Phil Taylor has shown his support for two charities at the PartyPoker.com Grand Slam of Darts.

Taylor is sporting a moustache during the event in support of footballer John Hartson's "Movember" campaign.

Hartson is campaigning to raise awareness of testicular cancer, with a host of celebrities and sportsmen growing a moustache in support during the month of November.

"It's a great cause and hopefully by growing a moustache and getting involved in Movember I can help raise awareness of testicular cancer," said Taylor.

"John Hartson admitted he left it too long before he got checked out, and it's important that anyone in doubt visits a doctor."

Taylor has also been adopted as a patron of the Afghan Heroes charity, set up by eight parents of soldiers who have died in Afghanistan during the conflict there.

"Being a family man I cannot imagine the hurt and pain that these ladies have suffered," said Taylor.

"I applaud them for their initiative in founding something which will hopefully help people in similar situations as well as being a fitting memorial to their hero sons and daughters."

For further information on the Afghan Heroes charity, visit www.afghanheroes.co.uk, while a single 'Afghan Dawn' has been launched with proceeds from downloads going to the charity.

Phil Taylor is pictured with Denise Harris, one of the co-founders of Afghan Heroes.