DRA Statement

THE Darts Regulation Authority has issued the following media release following its meeting in May.

The Darts Regulation Authority has dealt with seven referrals for the following breaches of the rules in the period up until May 6 2011:

Five cases contrary to section 4.1 of the DRA Rule Book, Code of Conduct: 'No Player or Member shall act in a manner which may reasonably be considered to injure or discredit the DRA or bring the game of darts into disrepute'.

All cases were found and the penalties levied were two suspensions of 28 days and 35 days and fines from £100-£2,500. In one case the fine was increased by 50% due to non-payment. One player was also strongly warned as to his future conduct.

One case contrary to section 5.23.06 of the DRA Rule Book, Code of Conduct: 'During match play all players shall remain silent'.
This case was found and a fine of £200 was levied.

One warning letter was sent to a player regarding his future conduct regarding marking.

Further Advisory From DRA:
Please note that the responsibility rests with players and members to ensure that their contact details are up to date and accurately recorded with the PDC and PDPA.

Where a player or member is charged with an offence the notification will be considered served where an e-mail is sent to his or her registered e-mail address or a letter to their registered address.

The DRA will notify the PDPA when a player is referred to the DRA.

Where a fine is levied, if it is not paid within the time allowed the Penalty will be increased by 50%.

Failure to pay the fine by the due date without prior dispensation from the DRA may constitute a further offence.

Should a player fail to pay the fine they may be immediately suspended from all DRA sanctioned events until the DRA Disciplinary Committee sits to hear the circumstances of their default.

The player will not be eligible to enter any DRA sanctioned tournament merely upon the payment of any outstanding fine.