VINCENT VAN DER VOORT fought off a spirited performance from Lourence Illagan to book his place in the second round of the William Hill World Darts Championship.
Van der Voort won the first set 3-1 with the aid of a 91 checkout but 120 and 81 finishes helped Ilagan take set two to level up the match.
Ilagan missed a dart to move a set ahead and was punished by his Dutch opponent, who took out 64 in the deciding leg of set three to regain the lead.
Illagan clinched the first leg of the fourth set with a 106 finish and the animated Philippines star doubled his lead - but went on to miss four darts to win the set as Van der Voort turned it around to progress.
The former UK Open finalist will face Darren Webster in the second round on Tuesday.
Match Stats
Van der Voort: 94.06
Ilagan: 95.52
Van der Voort: 2
Ilagan: 5
Highest Finish:
Van der Voort: 91
Ilagan: 120
100+ Checkouts:
Van der Voort: 0
Ilagan: 2
Van der Voort: 10/24
Ilagan: 8/19