VINCENT VAN DER VOORT made it two wins in as many days with a 3-0 rout of Darren Webster in round two of the 2018/19 William Hill World Darts Championship.
Fresh from his 3-1 victory over Lourence Ilagan, two-time quarter-finalist Van der Voort took the opening set 3-1, conceding what would turn out to be Webster's only leg of the contest.
A 140 helped the big Dutchman on his way to set two, before back-to-back 15-darters in the last two legs of the match saw him book his place in the third round where he will face Steve Beaton or Chris Dobey.
Match Stats
Webster - 85.45
Van der Voort - 87.81
Webster - 1
Van der Voort - 2
Highest Finish:
Webster - 20
Van der Voort - 140
100+ Checkouts:
Webster - 0
Van der Voort - 1
Webster - 1/10
Van der Voort - 9/28