Barney Rubbishes Media Claims

RAYMOND van Barneveld has poured scorn on Dutch tabloid stories incorrectly reporting that he has split up from wife Sylvia.

The four-time World Champion was distressed to read recent stories in some newspapers in his homeland stating that he had left his wife and family home.

"These stories are complete rubbish and I don't know why the newpapers are printing them," van Barneveld said.

"They are just looking for some hot news to sell more copies and they have had to make something up.

"It's very sad for me and Sylvia to have to read and listen to these stories when we are as much in love as ever and very happy together."

The couple will jet off to Thailand for a short holiday before van Barneveld returns to Holland to prepare for his debut appearance in the PDC's World Darts Championship at Purfleet this Christmas.