DRA Statement: Darts Integrity Unit

THE Darts Regulation Authority have released the following statement:

Following the launch of the Snooker Integrity Unit earlier this month darts now has its own confidential integrity unit contact details.

Players and players' representatives can contact the Integrity Unit, anonymously or otherwise, via a Confidential Hotline to report approaches or leave information relating to any integrity issues.

The Integrity Unit is run independently on behalf of the Darts Regulation Authority by Monitor Quest, overseen by former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lord Stevens.

The DRA has regular meetings with the Gambling Commission. While darts does not have a corruption problem the DRA is not complacent and constantly assess any betting developments.

The unit will monitor any changes in that situation and take pro-active action where necessary.

Contact details are:
Confidential Telephone Hotline: 0207 034 3402
Confidential Email Address: darts@integrityunit.com

The Integrity Unit will assess and analyse information received on a confidential basis, together with information received through our Memorandums of Understanding with commercial partners.

The unit reports to the Darts Regulation Authority any matters that it considers may require further investigation and regulatory action.

We would emphasise that no players' or representatives' identity or details will be released outside of the Integrity Unit without that person's consent.