DRA Statement: Failure To Mark

THE Darts Regulation Authority Council at its meeting on April 17 2009 reviewed the penalty guidelines in light of the increasing number of 'failing to mark' offences being reported to the Disciplinary Committee.

The purpose of the DRA Disciplinary Committee is not only to decide on an appropriate sanction for an offence but more importantly to take action to prevent offences occurring in the first place.

The overwhelming majority of darts players rightly take their marking duties very seriously. The Council takes a serious view of any player wilfully refusing to mark.

This can unnecessarily disrupt the efficient running of a tournament and is unfair on those players who are conscientious in assisting referees and tournament directors.

It is with these factors in mind that the DRA Council has increased the penalty guidelines for the offence of failing to mark (effective for offences committed from April 20 2009);
First Offence - £100
Second Offence - £200
Third Offence - £400
Fourth Offence - consideration of suspension

As with all complaints made to the DRA, a player has the right to present their case to the Disciplinary Committee in writing or at a personal hearing before any determination is made.

Players are reminded that money from all fines imposed by the DRA Disciplinary Committee is ring-fenced and used only to support the drug testing programme run in conjunction with UK Sport.