PHIL TAYLOR won the inaugural 888.com Premier League Darts title after breezing past world number one Colin Lloyd 16-4 in the final.
The 12-times World Champion, who had to come back from 11-7 down in his semi-final to reach the last two, was never in any danger as he led from the very first leg and broke Lloyd's throw as early as leg four.
From that moment on, Lloyd knew he was up against it and not even a player of his calibre could live with Taylor when he is in this type of mood.
It was a completely different Power who took to the stage just 24 hours earlier when he should really have been beaten by Roland Scholten, and how Lloyd must have wished his great friend had seen off The Power when he had the chance.
Taylor was the only man who qualified for the semi's unbeaten and the league table never lies. He has been the most consistent player in the league right from the very first night of matches in his home town of Stoke in January.
What would have given Lloyd and his followers hope though was that performance against Scholten on Monday evening. Unfortunately for Lloyd, that was the only time throughout the whole league programme when Taylor has looked vulnerable.
"I think what I did different tonight," said Phil, "was that I slowed down and took my time.
"I'd had a good night's sleep and my back felt a little better and I think that made all the difference.
"After my performance against Roland I knew I would have to come out of the blocks firing and with those two early attempts at 170 I think Colin knew he was going to be in a tough match.
"Colin's a very predictable player, so in one respect it's easier to prepare for him because you know he is always going to play well whereas someone like Roland can play not so well one night and out of this world the next and I think that's what happened in the semi.
"I must say though that I don't think the score truly reflects the game, Colin missed crucial doubles but I think it's a case that some players just bring out the best in me."
The first three legs of the final went with throw but Taylor broke Lloyd in the fourth. Lloyd then had a shot at bull to break straight back but missed but with Taylor on 123 he still looked the favourite. We should have known better, Taylor hit the three dart out shot culminating in the bull and he went in to the first interval 4-1 up. From that moment on Lloyd was up against it.
The rest of the final then followed the same pattern. Taylor won every five leg session 4-1 and Lloyd won as many legs against the Taylor throw as he did on his own.
What really harmed Lloyd though was his inability to win legs on his own throw, usually he would start off with a low score and be forever chasing the leg and if there is one player that you cannot afford to do that against it is Taylor.
Lloyd did manage six maximums compared to Taylor's five but he just missed too many doubles to stay competitive. He was gracious in defeat though.
"Congratulations to Phil," said Lloyd, "He really did a number on me tonight and that is why he has been world champion 12 times.
"But I can walk away with my head held high tonight. The Premier League has been fantastic for me but it has been five long months. I'll bounce back from this though don't you worry.
"It might have looked like I had given up at some stages but I can assure you I didn't. I was playing for all the fantastic fans that have followed us around the country and they keep me going. I do get disheartened when I play like that but I never give in."
But the last word must go to Taylor, who impressively averaged just over the magical 100 barrier for the whole of the tournament.
"This Premier League has been fantastic for everybody involved and darts is definitely on the up again. But I was a very lucky boy to be in that final."