Stars 'Sign Up' With SignHealth!

STARS of the PDC have given their support to SignHealth's DEAFinitely Darts event.

The Professional Darts Corporation have adopted SignHealth, a healthcare charity for deaf people, committed to bringing better healthcare and equality of service provision to deaf people, as their official charity this year.

As part of the partnership, SignHealth will stage the DEAFinitely Darts fundraising event on Thursday October 21.

DEAFinitely Darts will involve pubs and clubs around the UK, who can enter an eight-player team for the challenge to create a world record for the largest number of people playing darts at one time.

Many of the PDC's top stars have now pledged their support for the event, and also learned the sign language of their nicknames in the process - including Derby-based pair Andy "The Hammer" Hamilton & Colin "The Wizard" Osborne, pictured above.

Other stars supporting the night include Andy "The Pie Man" Smith (right) and Colin "Jaws" Lloyd (below), who have also learned their nicknames ahead of the event.

"Do Something Amazing With Your Hands!"
DEAFinitely Darts will be held on Thursday October 21, with any pub or club eligible to enter a team.

Teams can enter for £100 per team and prizes will be on offer for the teams who raise the most sponsorship, while any team which raises in excess of £800 will be entitled to a refund of their registration fee.

Prizes will include:
* The venue organiser whose team raises the most sponsorship money wins a holiday in the Bahamas
* A prize of £4,000 will go to the team who raises the most money, in addition to an exhibition from a top PDC player

How will it work?
* DEAFinitely Darts will be staged from 7pm-11pm on October 21 2010
* Team of eight players are required to register in advance to take part (more than one team can enter per venue)
* The suggested format is a tournament of 1001 double-in, double-out format
* Venues will be provided with a limited edition dartboard per team, darts flights and a hand held electronic scoring device
* The 15 venues which raise the most in sponsorship will receive a visit from a leading PDC player

How to register:
Visit for full information about the DEAFinitely Darts event and to enter
Alternatively email or call 01494 687600, or text to 83311 for more information

Why DEAFinitely Darts?
Imagine being excluded from the chatter and buzz of your local because no-one can communicate with you?

One in seven people in the UK have some degree of hearing loss, but SignHealth aim to ensure deaf people can be included in all areas of community life; working with the deaf community, health services and other charities to improve deaf healthcare and to achieve access for deaf people.

For more information about SignHealth, visit