Taylor Sweeps To UK Open Title

PHIL TAYLOR won his fourth Rileys Darts Zones UK Open title with an 11-5 defeat of Gary Anderson at the Reebok Stadium.

Taylor followed up Saturday's world record average for a televised game of 118.66 against Kevin Painter, with victories over Adrian Lewis, Denis Ovens and Anderson on Sunday to take the £40,000 title.

The Stoke legend opened the final with a 161 finish and led 5-1 before the Scot - appearing in his first major final with the PDC - took two of the next three to pull back to 6-3.

But Taylor put his foot on the accelerator to storm to victory, hitting a 167 finish amongst winning five of the next seven legs to take the title with a 121 checkout.

"I'm absolutely delighted," said Taylor. "It's a real challenge to win this event and I was up against a brilliant player in the final against Gary.

"I really enjoyed all the games, against Adrian, against Denis and then Gary today and in the final he did well. You could tell he was a bit tired and I hit him then, but he kept coming back at me.

"To follow up winning the Premier League trophy back with this is special for me and it's an event I love."

Taylor bounced onto stage for the final, defying any fatigue in his third game of the day to open the final with a 161 checkout.

He hit a 180 in taking the next leg before Anderson took the third to get himself on the scoreboard.

But the Scot crucially missed four darts at a double to level the game, and Taylor stepped in on double ten before hitting the same bed for a 4-1 lead - trading 180s with Anderson and punishing another missed double.

Double eight gave Taylor a 5-1 lead before Anderson regained his range on the doubles to win two of the next three in pulling back to 6-3.

Anderson, though, had little answer as Taylor pulled clear in the next three legs, taking out double 16, double eight and an 81 checkout to lead 9-3.

A 110 finish for Anderson gave him a fourth leg, but Taylor bettered that and his own earlier 161 finish by taking out 167 to move a leg away from the win.

Anderson delayed Taylor's crowning moment by taking the 15th leg on double ten, but the World Champion ensured the UK Open trophy would remain in his possession by taking out 121 on the bullseye for the title.

"It's obviously disappointing to lose the final but I have to pay tribute to Phil because he was superb," said Anderson. "He has set the standard for everyone to follow and I know what I have to do to win major titles against him.

"His finishing was great and even though we were both tired he managed to find the energy he needed to win.

"I'm pleased to get to the final, though, because I had some really hard games along the way against Paul Nicholson, Mervyn King and Andy Hamilton. It's my first big final with the PDC and hopefully the first of many."

Match Stats

Gary Anderson


Phil Taylor

















High Finish



Legs Against Throw