PDC wins 'Covid Response' category at Sports Business Awards

Sports Business Awards trophy presentation

The Professional Darts Corporation won the ‘Most Innovative Business Response to Covid 19 – UK’ category at the 2021 Sports Business Awards.

The PDC was nominated in the category following the introduction of the PDC Home Tour during the first lockdown.

Held on Thursday at the Kia Oval, the Sports Business Awards recognises the teams behind the scenes across the industry, with a judging panel made up of representatives of a range of sporting bodies to celebrate the successes of organisations.

Other nominees in the category were British Martial Arts & Boxing Association, St George's Park, Trivandi and the Youth Sport Trust.

Judges described the Home Tour as: "One of the first initiatives to launch in lockdown to capitalise on competing from home. This led the way to a number of similar programmes but its originality and early market entry was very important."

The speed of organisation and delivery of the tournament was also referenced in the judges' comments.

The PDC Home Tour was also recognised in 2020 in the "Coronavirus Innovation Award: Communication" category in one of four nominations which the PDC received.

The PDC has previously received the 'Best Operations Team' award in 2018 and the 'Best Match (or Game) Day Experience' award in 2019 to recognise the success of the William Hill World Darts Championship at Alexandra Palace.

Sports Business Awards Winner