Challenge The Girls In Sheffield!

ARE you coming to the Betway Premier League in Sheffield this Thursday? We could be about to make your trip to the darts a little bit more interesting!

Our ‘On The Wire’ team are giving you the chance to meet our walk-on girls Daniella and Charlotte, and challenge them at the Motorpoint Arena as part of the next ‘Walk-On Girls v Fans’ feature for the show.

Entering could not be easier, simply watch last week’s episode and head to our Twitter to answer the following question, making sure to use #OnTheWire in your answers:

Who did Kim Huybrechts say was his favourite player to watch in last week's 'Love The Darts' feature?

The winners will be selected at random and contacted with all the details.  (Please note that tickets to the event are not included as part of the prize).  

Good luck!

Watch last week's episode of On The Wire from the Betway Premier League in Manchester below!