2025 PDC Order of Merit Rules, as at January 13 2025
1.1 All players must be a member of the Professional Darts Players Association (PDPA) to feature in the Professional Darts Corporation’s (PDC) Order of Merit. Membership is defined as either having been awarded an Honorary Membership, or being in one of the below listed categories:
(i) A Full Member is defined as a player who has joined the PDPA and holds a PDC Tour Card or a player who has qualified for an event listed in 1.2; or can be a non-playing Full Member such as a PDPA board member or Honorary Member.
(ii) An Associate Member is defined as a player who has joined the PDPA but does not hold a Tour Card (for example a player who participates in Q School but does not win a Tour Card and subsequently plays on the Challenge Tour).
(iii) A European Tour Member is defined as a player who pays a supplement to their entry fee for the right to enter qualifying Events for European Tour Events, subject to eligibility (usually based on nationality).
(iv) A Secondary Tour Member is defined as a player who is only permitted to play in Secondary Tour Events (subject to further eligibility requirements regarding, for example, age, gender or nationality). For the avoidance of doubt, they are not permitted to play in qualifiers for Premier or ProTour Events unless otherwise allowed under these Rules. This membership is only required once a player has competed in five Secondary Tour events in a calendar year and players will not be permitted to enter further events until this is paid. In 2025, this only applies to the Development Tour.
1.2 All players who participate in the following Events must be a Full Member of the PDPA: World Championship (excluding PDPA Associate Members), World Matchplay, World Grand Prix, Grand Slam (excluding PDPA Associate Members and other non-Full Members), UK Open (excluding Amateur Qualifiers and PDPA Associate and Secondary Tour Members), European Championship, Players Championship Finals (excluding PDPA Associate Members), World Masters (excluding PDPA Associate Members and other non-Full Members), World Series Finals (excluding invited non-Full Members) and Premier League.
In the event of a non-PDPA member qualifying for or being invited into an Event through an Order of Merit, a qualifying Event, or PDC Board invitation they must join the PDPA prior to participation in the Event.
1.3 All Full Members who wish to participate in Events must, before participating in their first Event:
(i) sign the PDC Player Contract;
(ii) accept the PDPA Rules when completing membership online;
(iii) agree to abide by the Rules of the Darts Regulation Authority (DRA); and
(iv) pay any appropriate Sanction Fees to the DRA before being allowed to participate in any PDC organised Event.
Associate Members who wish to participate in Events must, before participating in their first Event:
(i) accept the PDPA Rules when completing membership online
(ii) agree to abide by the Rules of the DRA;
(iii) pay any appropriate Sanction Fees to the DRA before being allowed to participate in any PDC organised Event.
1.4 Any player who is not in good financial or disciplinary standing with the DRA, PDC or PDPA or with companies involved with the DRA, PDC or PDPA (including having unpaid outstanding fines or other unpaid sums owing to any such party) will not be allowed to participate in any Event until such time as they are in good standing.
1.5 All PDPA memberships expire immediately following the conclusion of the World Championship and renewals or new memberships are issued based on player eligibility.
1.6 All Events shall be played under the Rules of the Darts Regulation Authority, as covered in the DRA Rule Book published on its website, www.thedra.co.uk.
2.1 The PDC operates various Orders of Merit, based on prize money won in its Events. Events are categorised as follows:
Premier Ranked Events:
World Championship
World Matchplay
World Grand Prix
Grand Slam
European Championship
Players Championship Finals
UK Open
World Masters
Premier Invitational Events:
Premier League
World Series Finals
World Cup
ProTour Events:
European Tour
Players Championships
Secondary Tour Events:
Challenge Tour
Development Tour
Other Events:
Women’s Series + Women's World Matchplay
World Youth Championship
World Series international events
Affiliate Tours (as administered by PDC Nordic & Baltic, DartPlayers Australia, DartPlayers New Zealand, PDC Asian Tour, Championship Darts Corporation).
2.2 Prize money won in all ranking Events determines a player’s standing in the relevant Orders of Merit (with the exception of World Series international Events, for which points are awarded). Prize money will be displayed in UK£.
2.3 All prize money paid to PDPA Members in all Events will be paid in UK£ directly by the PDC or its local agents, unless otherwise advertised.
2.4 Prize money will be paid into the bank account nominated by the player to the PDC which must be either in their own name, the name of a company of which they are a Director, the name of their contracted DRA Licensed Agent’s Business Account or in the case of a Development Tour player or other player legally classified as a minor, the name of one or more of their parents/guardians.
2.5 The main Order of Merit is calculated on prize money won by players over a 104-week period and is added to each player’s total at the end of the day on which each Event concludes.
All prize money shall be removed from the main Order of Merit 104 weeks after it was won, regardless of the corresponding position in the calendar of any Events.
No Premier Event shall count three times towards the main Order of Merit, with the earliest of the three removed if required.
2.6 The calendar of Events and Orders of Merit will be published on pdc.tv, the PDC’s official website and it is each player’s own responsibility to ensure they are aware of all details.
2.7 Invitations to and seedings for ranked Premier, European Tour Events and qualifying Events will be based on the relevant Orders of Merit at the closing date for entries or qualification for the relevant Event (as per Section 3).
Seedings for Players Championship Events will be based on the relevant Order of Merit at the time of the draw being made.
2.8 Players will need to have participated in a minimum of one ProTour or Premier Event over a rolling 104-week period to be eligible to qualify for Premier Ranked Events through the main Order of Merit or be eligible to win a Tour Card.
The PDC may remove a Tour Card from any player who does not participate in a ProTour Event during the first 52 weeks of their Tour Card unless a bona-fide, independently verified medical certificate can be provided.
2.9 Only prize money won by eligible players shall appear on the Orders of Merit. Lapsed members, or players who lose their Tour Card and do not regain it for the following year will be removed from the Orders of Merit after Q School, and if they compete again their prize money tallies will revert to £0 from the day their membership ceased or their Tour Card was lost.
All players other than the Top 64 eligible players and players starting the second year of their Tour Card start the year on £0 on all Orders of Merit after Q School.
2.10 All prize money won in all PDC Events (not sanctioned Affiliate Tours) will be subject to a 2% levy, to be paid directly to the PDPA in the form of deductions from prize money.
3.1 Invitations, seedings and structures for Premier Events are played according to the following criteria:
2025 World Masters
Cut-off date: January 13 2025
Seeds: Top 16 in Main Order of Merit (drawn in seed pattern)
Qualifying Players: Top 24 in Main Order of Merit plus 8 players from Preliminary Rounds
Players invited to compete in Preliminary Rounds in the following order:
PDC Tour Card Holders outside Top 24 of Main Order of Merit at cut-off date
Top 8x non-Tour Card Holders from the final 2024 Orders of Merit from all PDC Affiliate Tours
Top 8x non-Tour Card Holders from the final 2024 Orders of Merit from 2024 Development Tour, Challenge Tour and Women’s Series Orders of Merit
4x Junior Darts Corporation Representatives Qualifiers
Note: Should players in the top 8 of the above Orders of Merit reject their invitation, places will not be passed down the Orders of Merit. The order of priority will be as listed above, should players appear on more than one Order of Merit.
2025 UK Open
Cut-off date: February 19 2025
Seeds: Tour Card holders will enter from round one onwards depending on their position on the Main Order of Merit as follows: 97–128: first round; 65–96: second round; 33–64: third round; 1–32: fourth round
Qualifying Players:
128 Tour Card Holders
Top 8 non-qualified eligible Associate Members from each of the 2024 Development and Challenge Orders of Merit who remain PDPA Associate Members for 2025.
16 Amateur Qualifiers from PDC sanctioned events for non-Tour Card Holders.
Associate Members from 2024 who become Full Members for 2025 will qualify as Tour Card Holders and further places will be offered to players from each of the relevant final 2024 OOM Tables until all places are filled. The same procedure will be followed in the event of withdrawals under Rule 3.6 below.
2025 World Cup
Cut-off date: May 14 2025
Seeds: Top 16 ranked nations based on combined Main Order of Merit ranking (lowest total = highest seed)
Qualifying Players:
40 pairs representing different nations selected at the discretion of the PDC
2025 World Matchplay
Cut-off date: July 10 2025
Seeds: Top 16 in Main Order of Merit
Qualifying Players:
Top 16 in Main Order of Merit
Top 16 in ProTour Order of Merit not otherwise qualified
Note: The Main Order of Merit table used for qualification runs from 2023 Players Championship 15 to 2025 Players Championship 21. The ProTour Order of Merit table used for 2025 World Matchplay qualification runs from 2024 Players Championship 15 to 2025 Players Championship 21.
2025 Women's World Matchplay
Cut-off date: June 9 2025
Qualifying Players:
Top 8 in Women's World Matchplay Order of Merit
Note: The Women’s World Matchplay Order of Merit used for qualification runs from 2024 Women’s Series Event 13 to 2025 Women’s Series Event 16.
2025 World Series Finals
Cut-off date: August 27 2025
Seeds: Top eight players from World Series Order of Merit.
Qualifying Players: Full criteria to be published in due course.
2025 World Grand Prix
Cut-off date: September 29 2025
Seeds: Top 16 in Main Order of Merit
Qualifying Players:
Top 16 in Main Order of Merit
Top 16 in ProTour Order of Merit not otherwise qualified
Note: The Main Order of Merit table used for qualification runs from 2023 Players Championship 22 to 2025 European Tour Event 13. The ProTour Order of Merit table used for 2025 World Grand Prix qualification runs from 2024 Players Championship 24 to 2025 European Tour Event 13.
2025 European Championship
Cut-off date: October 20 2025
Seeds: Top 32 in European Tour Order of Merit (drawn in seed pattern)
Qualifying Players: Top 32 in European Tour Order of Merit
2025 Grand Slam of Darts
Cut-off date: October 31 2025
Seeds & Qualifying Players: Full criteria to be published in due course.
Note: The PDC Order of Merit table used for 2025 Grand Slam qualification runs from 2023 Grand Slam of Darts to 2025 Players Championship 34.
2025 Players Championship Finals
Cut-off date: October 31 2025
Seeds: Top 64 in Players Championship Order of Merit (drawn in seed pattern)
Qualifying Players: Top 64 in Players Championship Order of Merit
2025/26 World Championship
Cut-off date: November 24 2025 (after Players Championship Finals)
Seeds & Qualifying Players: Full criteria to be published in due course.
3.2 In the case of ties in any Order of Merit (money won) or Merit Table (points won), the countback rule will apply; this will be the cumulative money or points won by a player in the previous four eligible Events in the Order of Merit or Merit Table where a tie has occurred.
In cases where there is still a tie, this countback will be recalculated from the most recent Event until there is a separation. If two or more players cannot be separated by countback over the entire eligible period of the relevant Order of Merit, the player ranked highest in the main Order of Merit shall be deemed to be highest ranked, with countback continuing indefinitely until a split can be made after the initial four Events on the main Order of Merit.
If this procedure does not produce a separation, a play-off will be organised between the affected players.
This countback rule will also be used in any Affiliate Tour event that does not have its own specific countback rule.
3.3 Seedings for Premier (other than those specified below) and European Tour Events will be ordered as follows:
TOP HALF: 1-(16)-8-(9)-4-(13)-5-(12)
BOTTOM HALF: 2-(15)-7-(10)-3-(14)-6-(11)
Seedings for European Tour Events will be as per Premier Events but the top and bottom halves will alternate across Events. To clarify, in odd numbered European Tour Events the number one seed will be in the top half but in even numbered Events the halves will switch positions.
Seedings for Players Championship Events, the European Championship and the World Championship are ordered as follows:
TOP HALF: 1-32-16-17-8-25-9-24-4-29-13-20-5-28-12-21
BOTTOM HALF: 2-31-15-18-7-26-10-23-3-30-14-19-6-27-11-22
Seedings for the Players Championship Finals are ordered as follows:
TOP HALF: 1-64-32-33-16-49-17-48-8-57-25-40-9-56-24-41-4-61-29-36-13-52-20-45-5-60-28-37-12-53-21-44
BOTTOM HALF: 2-63-31-34-15-50-18-47-7-58-26-39-10-55-23-42-3-62-30-35-14-51-19-46-6-59-27-38-11-54-22-43
3.4 For PDC ranked events qualification and seedings will be determined by the relevant Order of Merit on the closing date for each particular Event.
The Orders of Merit in operation are as follows:
(i) PDC Main Order of Merit: comprised of all money won over a rolling 104-week period in Premier Ranked and ProTour (European Tour and Players Championship) events;
(ii) European Tour Order of Merit: comprised of all money won in that calendar year’s European Tour Events;
(iii) Players Championship Order of Merit: comprised of all money won in that calendar year’s Players Championship Events;
(iv) ProTour Order of Merit: comprised of all money won over a rolling 52-week period in European Tour and Players Championship Events;
(v) Development Tour Order of Merit: comprised of all money won in that calendar year’s Development Tour Events;
(vi) Challenge Tour Order of Merit: comprised of all money won in that calendar year’s Challenge Tour Events;
(vii) Women’s Series Order of Merit: comprised of all money won in that calendar year’s Women’s Series Events;
(viii) Women’s World Matchplay Order of Merit: comprised of all money won in a rolling 52-week period of Women’s Series Events.
3.5 Seedings for Players Championship Events, and qualification for Premier Events through the ProTour Order of Merit will be determined on a 52-week rolling basis with 32 seeds per Players Championship Event. Seedings will be determined by the rolling 52-week ProTour Order of Merit up to and including the most recent Event completed for Players Championship Events.
3.6 If a player withdraws or is otherwise removed from a Premier Event before the draw for the Event has been announced by the PDC, the next highest available non-qualified player from the Order of Merit or other qualifying route through which the withdrawn player qualified will be invited to participate in the Event. In this instance, the players ranked below the withdrawn player will all move up one place in the seedings, if appropriate.
3.7 If a player withdraws or is otherwise removed from a Premier Event other than the World Championship, UK Open or an event where the draw is wholly pre-determined based on seedings from an Order of Merit after the draw for the Event has been made, the next available non-qualified player from the relevant Order of Merit or qualification route through which the withdrawn player qualified will be invited to participate in the Event and will take the place of the withdrawn player directly in the draw with no alteration made to seedings if applicable.
For the UK Open no replacement player shall be named.
For an event where the draw is wholly pre-determined on seedings from an Order of Merit (for 2025 this would mean European Championship and Players Championship Finals), if a player withdraws or is removed before the schedule of play has been announced and no later than 72 hours before the Event commences, the next available non-qualified player from the relevant Order of Merit through which the withdrawn player qualified will be invited to participate. In this instance, the draw would be changed to reflect the Order of Merit positions of the revised field. If a player withdraws or is otherwise removed after the schedule of play has been announced, the next available non-qualified player from the relevant Order of Merit through which the withdrawn player qualified, will be invited to participate in the Event and will take the place of the withdrawn player directly in the draw with no alteration made to seedings.
If a player withdraws from the World Championship, World Series Finals and World Masters after the draw for the Event has been made, the replacement player will come from a reserve list from the PDPA Full Members Qualifier (or Preliminary Rounds for the World Masters) where final round (and then if required, each earlier round in turn) losers will be ranked in PDC Order of Merit position based on ranking on the day of the Full Member Qualifier or Preliminary Rounds for the World Masters.
If a player withdraws from the Grand Slam after the draw for the Event has been made, the replacement player will be the next non-qualified player from the published list of qualifying criteria. If no player is available then the highest ranked non-qualified player who lost if the final round of the Tour Card Holder qualifier shall be invited.
If a player withdraws from a European Tour event after the final qualifying event has taken place or after the draw for the Event has been made (whichever is earliest), the replacement player will come from a reserve list from the Tour Card Holder Qualifier where final round losers will be ranked in PDC Main Order of Merit position based on ranking on the day of the PDPA Full Members Qualifier.
An additional reserve list will be formed from the Host Nation Qualifier where final round losers (and then if required, each earlier round in turn) will be ranked in order of DartConnect average from the Host Nation Qualifier. This list shall be used if the Tour Card Holder Qualifier fails to produce sufficient reserve players to complete the field.
If this occurs at the World Championship, other Premier Event or European Tour Event where the replacement player is invited directly into a round other than the earliest round of the Event and misses an earlier round, they will only be awarded prize money due for the earliest round of the Event should they lose their first match. However, should they win their first match, prize money will be awarded as normal.
If a player withdraws from an event once an event has commenced, no replacement will be made and the players’ scheduled opponent will receive a bye.
3.8 The PDPA Full Member Qualifier for the World Championship will be the last qualifying Event for Tour Card Holders who have not already qualified through another route and will offer the appropriate number of places required to complete the field for the Event. Therefore all other qualifying Events must conclude prior to the PDPA Full Members Qualifier being held.
In the event of a player qualifying for the World Championship through both an Affiliate Tour or Event and a position in the main Order of Merit, the main Order of Merit takes precedence for seeding status, and the next qualified player/runner-up from the Affiliate Tour or Event will be invited.
In the event of a player qualifying for the World Championship through both an Affiliate Tour or Event and a position in the ProTour Order of Merit, the Affiliate Tour or Event route takes precedence for qualification and the next qualified player on the ProTour Order of Merit will be invited.
In the event of a player qualifying through both an Affiliate Event and Affiliate Tour, the Event takes precedence and the next highest ranked non-qualified player from the Affiliate Tour Order of Merit will be invited, unless otherwise specified in that event’s criteria.
If the qualified player from an Affiliate Tour or Event withdraws or ceases to become eligible for the World Championship, the next placed player from the Order of Merit (Tour) or Runner-Up (Event) through which they qualified will be invited to participate. If they are unable to accept the invitation, the place will revert to the PDPA Tour Card Holder Qualifier.
For the purposes of the World Championship where players are grouped for the 96-player draw, the top 32 players on the Order of Merit will be seeded into the last 64 and the remaining 64 qualifiers will be divided into two groups based on their position in the ProTour Order of Merit.
The next 32 highest ranked players on the ProTour Order of Merit will be placed into the group of players numbered 33-64 in order of their ProTour Order of Merit ranking. Remaining players and players without a ProTour Order of Merit position will be placed into the group of players numbered 65-96 in a random order.
For the World Youth Championship, if a player qualifies through an Affiliate Tour or Event as well as through the Development Tour Order of Merit, the Affiliate Tour or Event will take precedence for qualification and the next highest ranked non-qualified player on the Development Tour Order of Merit will be invited to participate. Seeding for the World Youth Championship shall be taken from the PDC Order of Merit and then the Development Tour Order of Merit, regardless of the route by which each player qualified.
3.9 A Tour Card Holder in the first year of their Tour Card (deemed to be from the date on which the Tour Card was most recently won after being lost) who is also eligible to participate on an Affiliate Tour or in its relevant qualifiers for PDC Events, may do so without restriction (other than disciplinary restrictions).
A Tour Card Holder in the second year of their Tour Card who is also eligible to participate on an Affiliate Tour or in its relevant qualifiers for PDC Events may do so providing at the closing date for entries of the Affiliate Tour Event in which they intend to participate they are not in the Top 64 of the PDC’s main Order of Merit.
A Tour Card Holder who has held their Tour Card for more than two years consecutively is not eligible to participate on a Affiliate Tour or its relevant qualifiers for PDC Events.
A Tour Card Holder who wishes to participate in a non-PDC organised Event which offers qualification or exemption into a PDC Event will only be eligible for such qualification or exemption providing they meet the above criteria.
For clarity, this means in the first year of their Tour Card they may play without restriction, in the second year they may only qualify through this route if at the closing date for entries they are outside the top 64 of the PDC Order of Merit and beyond the second year of being a Tour Card Holder they may not qualify for a PDC Event via this route.
3.10 Any player who declines an invitation to any Event may be denied an invitation to that or other future Events at the discretion of the PDC Board of Directors. The PDC may remove a Tour Card from any player who does not participate in a ProTour event during the first 12 months of their Tour Card unless a bona-fide, independently verified medical certificate can be provided.
4.1 Tour Cards for 2025 will be awarded to the following players:
(i) Top 64 x eligible players from the PDC Order of Merit who hold PDPA Full Membership for 2025 following the completion of the 2024/25 World Championship;
(ii) 31 x eligible Tour Card Holders from 2024 Q School and 2023 Secondary Tour Orders of Merit who are not ranked in the Top 64 of the Order of Merit and who are starting the second year of their Tour Card;
(iii) 2 x top ranked players not otherwise qualified for a Tour Card from the 2024 Challenge Tour Order of Merit;
(iv) 2 x top ranked players not otherwise qualified for a Tour Card from the 2024 Development Tour Order of Merit;
(v) 4 x automatic qualifiers from 2025 UK Q School Final Stage;
(vi) 4 x automatic qualifiers from 2025 European Q School Final Stage;
(vii) Remaining 21 places to be filled by Q School Orders of Merit, allocated pro-rata across the UK and European Q Schools depending on participation numbers at each venue.
If any player who earns a Tour Card for 2025 chooses not to take up their Tour Card or is deemed ineligible for any reason, extra places will be allocated to players from a combined UK and European Q School Final Stage points list.
If any player entitled to a Tour Card by virtue of being in the Top 64 of the Order of Merit resigns from their PDPA Membership and PDC Player Contract prior to the commencement of 2025 Q School, the next highest ranked eligible player who did not retain their Tour Card for 2025 shall move up the Order of Merit and retain their Tour Card.
The Top 64 eligible players from the PDC Order of Merit who hold PDPA Membership for 2025 following the completion of the 2024/25 World Championship will receive a one-year Tour Card. The remaining qualifiers (excluding players from 2024 Q School and 2023 Secondary Tour Orders of Merit entering the second year of their Tour Card) will receive a two-year Tour Card as their Order of Merit total will revert to £0 from January 4 2025 whereas the Top 64 retain their money won.
Players who lose their Tour Card and then regain it immediately either by winning through the next Q School or through a Secondary Tour Order of Merit will be awarded a two-year Tour Card with their prize money totals reverting to £0 from the day their Tour Card was regained.
If a player who qualifies for a Tour Card from the 2024 Challenge or Development Tour Orders of Merit is also in the Top 64 of the Order of Merit then they will receive a one-year Tour Card due to their Order of Merit position. Their money from the previous year will remain valid and their Tour Card place will pass to the next highest ranked unqualified player from the relevant 2024 Challenge or Development Tour Orders of Merit.
NOTE: If a player wins a PDC Tour Card from the 2024 Challenge and Development Tour Orders of Merit then the Development Tour shall take priority and any further places shall pass down the Challenge Tour Order of Merit.
4.2 Entry to all Players Championship Events is open initially to Full Members.
All Players Championship Events will have a 128-player draw. In instances where the number of Full Members entering a Players Championship Event does not reach 128, Associate Member entries shall then be accepted in order of Challenge Tour Order of Merit position as of the Event entry deadline to make the total number of entries up to 128.
The exception to the above position is if any Associate Member wins a Premier Ranked or ProTour Event they shall be placed as first alternate in order of their main Order of Merit position.
If this total still does not reach 128, byes will be awarded in seed order. If this total still does not reach 96, all 32 seeds will receive a bye and additional byes will be awarded on a random basis.
For example, if there is one bye, it will go to seed one; if there are two byes they will go to seeds one and two etc.
4.3 Players are only permitted to play in one qualifying event per European Tour event based on their nationality and eligibility. In the event of a regional qualifier not being played, the PDC will announce alternative eligibility for affected players, where possible. Tour Card Holders will be permitted to enter one Host Nation Qualifier for which they are eligible per year instead of the Tour Card Holder Qualifier for that event.
4.4 There are no restrictions on the number of European Tour qualifying Events players can enter for Host Nation, Nordic & Baltic and East Europe Qualifiers, subject to eligibility.
4.5 European Tour Events will be played with a 48-player main draw consisting of 32 pre-qualified players (the top 16 ranked entered players from the main Order of Merit and the next 16 highest ranked players from the ProTour Order of Merit at the entry deadline) and 16 qualifiers.
The top 16 ranked entered players from the Main Order of Merit at the entry deadline will be exempted and seeded into the second round (last 32) where they will play the 16 winners from the matches involving the remaining 32 players, who will be divided into two pots for the first round draw. One pot will consist of the 16 ProTour Order of Merit qualifiers and one pot will consist of the other 16 qualifiers) with no seeding in place.
Pre-qualified players who lose in their first match of the Event shall not be credited with prize money on the Order of Merit, ProTour Order of Merit or European Tour Order of Merit, however they shall still receive full prize money payment.
A pre-qualified player may opt to enter the relevant qualifier for the Event in order to ensure any prize money won, even if that player loses their first game, counts on the relevant Orders of Merit. In order to be placed in the qualifier, a player must inform the PDC of their request in writing (deemed to be by email to the Tournament Director) prior to the entry deadline.
A player who qualifies for a European Tour Event as a qualifier but later becomes a seed due to the withdrawal of one or more other players shall be credited with their prize money on the relevant Orders of Merit regardless of how far they progress in the Event.
The 16 qualifiers shall come from the following qualifying Events:
(i) Tour Card Holder Qualifier: shall produce ten players. Entry to Tour Card Holder Qualifiers is open to all Tour Card Holders. This is the only Qualifier which Tour Card Holders may enter.
(ii) Host Nation Qualifier: shall produce four players. Associate Members with the same nationality as the location of the relevant Event are eligible to enter.
(iii) Nordic & Baltic Qualifier: shall produce one player from those entered and eligible under rule 4.3 and 4.4. Players with the following nationalities are eligible to enter: Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.
(iv) East Europe Qualifier: shall produce one player from those entered and eligible under rule 4.4. Players with the following nationalities are eligible to enter: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Türkiye, Ukraine.
NOTE: Players from Russia and Belarus may only enter subject to certain special conditions which can be obtained from the PDC in advance of an entry being made.
All qualifying Events are to be played with a single-elimination format of a minimum of best of seven legs.
Tour Card Holder Qualifier Events shall be seeded from the Main Order of Merit based on the OOM on the day of the Qualifier, depending on the number of qualifier places with one seed per place available. Other qualifier events may be seeded based on alternative criteria by prior agreement of the PDC with the relevant qualifier organiser.
If a player withdraws from a European Tour Event after the cut-off date for the Event Entries and before the commencement of the Tour Card Holder Qualifier the next available non-qualified player from the relevant Order of Merit as the withdrawn player at the Entry deadline date will be invited to participate in the Event. In this instance, the players ranked below the unavailable player will all move up one place in the seedings, where appropriate.
4.6 There is no entry fee for players to enter ProTour Events, including Tour Card Holder Qualifiers. The PDC may, at its discretion, implement entry fees for Events staged in territories deemed to be ‘developing territories’, such as Nordic & Baltic and East Europe.
4.7 The closing date for entries for the main draw of Players Championship Events will be 1400 UK time on a date to be displayed on the PDC Player Entry System.
Where required to complete the 128-player draw if not all Full Members enter an event, Associate Members shall be invited to enter after this deadline as per Rule 4.2.
Any variation from this will be advertised on pdc.tv. The PDC reserves the right to alter these times in the Event of logistical issues. The list of entries will be published on pdc.tv before each Event.
4.8 All entries for PDC events and European Tour Qualifiers must be made through the PDC’s online entry system at www.pdcplayers.com before the advertised entry deadline.
4.9 All ProTour main draw matches will be best of 11 legs up to and including the quarter-finals, and then the semi-finals will be best of 13 legs and the final will be best of 15 legs.
4.10 Players Championship Events will commence at 1300 local time, with registration closing at 1100 local time (two hours before the scheduled start time), unless otherwise advertised. Any player not registered by the registration deadline will be omitted from the draw without exception.
Players’ attention is drawn to Events which take place the day after a Premier Event, as these may start later for operational reasons.
4.11 Draws for Players Championship Events will be conducted following the closure of registration, with seedings adjusted accordingly if an entered player who was due to be seeded has not registered.
Draws for European Tour Main Events will be made at 1200 UK time on the day prior to the start of the Event.
4.12 All ProTour Events will be played in a bracket format throughout with no re-draw after any round.
The Order of Play for even numbered Players Championship Events will have seedings inverted on each board for the first round. For example, on board one on even numbered events, seed number 32 will play first and seed number one will play third.
4.13 Players who wish to withdraw from an Event they have entered must do so in writing to the PDC prior to the closing date, stating the reason for their withdrawal. Requests for entry fee refunds will only be considered with the support of a doctor’s certificate (not self-certified) or if they have a serious family issue with supporting evidence.
Players who enter but decide not to travel, or wish to otherwise withdraw from an Event, are required to inform the PDC of their decision immediately. Players who enter and then subsequently withdraw from a ProTour or Premier Event after the cut-off date will receive standardised fines from the DRA which will increase with each offence and may result in a suspension.
Where no other player is disadvantaged by the withdrawal (such as an Event without a cap on entries or an Event where the relevant player’s place in the draw can be filled without any implications on any other player or the Event) the DRA may choose not to impose a sanction at its own discretion.
For clarity, these fines will be as follows for 2025:
- First offence: £500 for Players Championship events, £1000 for European Tour main events;
- Second offence: £1000 for Players Championship events, £2000 for European Tour main events;
- Third offence: £1500 for Players Championship events, £3000 for European Tour main events.
Further offences will be dealt with by the DRA.
Following a 12-month consecutive period without offence, a player’s ‘slate shall be wiped clean’ in relation to these offences.
4.14 Where stage matches are played at Events, the bull-up to decide the order of throw shall be conducted in the practice room at a time to be advised to players by the Tournament Director or Players Marshal.
4.15 Each European Tour qualifier and Players Championship Event will operate on a “loser marks” basis and it is a condition of participation that the losing player of each match marks the following game, if a marker has not been provided, as directed by Tournament Officials.
The PDC/PDPA will use their best endeavours to supply markers at Players Championship and European Tour qualifier events but players must assume that marking will be their own responsibility.
In genuine cases of inability to mark, a player may arrange for someone else to mark the next match on their behalf. It is the player’s responsibility to ensure that someone replaces them and that this person can mark to a competent standard and is compliant with DRA rules.
If a player arranges someone to mark on their behalf, the Player must notify the Board Official or Tournament Director giving the identity of the person with whom they have made the arrangement. In either case, the marker must be in place immediately following the completion of the previous game.
Where players are required to mark themselves, the first game on each board will be marked by the last player listed on the schedule of matches for that board.
4.16 Players may be asked by Tournament Officials to move from the board to which they were originally allocated to another board. These and other reasonable requests from Tournament Officials must be adhered to immediately to help the smooth running of the Event, or the player may be removed from the event and rule 4.17 invoked.
4.17 Once a player’s participation in an Event has begun by them commencing their first match, if they are timed out, fail to complete or who otherwise miss a scheduled match, they shall be awarded loser money for the relevant round and be eliminated from the Event. If their withdrawal instigates a referral to the DRA, their prize money payment will be withheld subject to the DRA’s investigation and shall not appear on any Order of Merit until that investigation has been concluded.
A player who benefits from a bye as a result of the draw rather than as a result of a withdrawal by a scheduled opponent but then loses the match in the round into which they were placed as a result of the bye shall only be credited on the relevant Orders of Merit with prize money based on the previous round. For example, if a player receives a bye from the first round into the second round of an Event, but then loses in the second round, they shall only be credited with first round loser prize money. However, if they win their second round match but lose in the third round, they shall be credited with third round loser prize money.
A player who receives a bye as a result of a withdrawal by a scheduled opponent shall be considered to have won the match, although no score shall be recorded unless otherwise provided for by the rules of that Event.
A player who qualifies for the main draw of a Premier or European Tour Event but does not then participate in that Event is not eligible for prize money awarded in that Event.
4.18 If a player intends competing in an Event despite suffering from illness or injury which may affect their performance, they must report this to the Tournament Director in advance. Failure to do so may result in a DRA referral.
4.19 The World Series Finals, Grand Slam and World Championship PDPA Full Member Qualifiers shall be open to Tour Card Holders only.
5.1 Both the UK and European Q Schools shall comprise a First Stage of three one-day Events played over a best of 9 leg format followed by a Final Stage of four separate one-day Events, played over a best of 11 leg format.
Players from the UK, Republic of Ireland and Gibraltar shall play in the UK Q School. Players from all other European Nations shall play in the European Q School. Players from other nations may choose in which Q School to participate.
Players who lost their Tour Card at the end of 2024, along with players from the Top 16 of each of the final 2024 Challenge and Development Tour Orders of Merit who do not have a Tour Card for 2025 will be exempt to the Final Stage in either the UK or European Q Schools, depending on their eligibility by nationality.
The top 8 players from the 2024 PDC Women’s Series Order of Merit and PDC Nordic & Baltic Order of Merit will receive free entry to First Stage of Q School.
The Order of Merit winner from the 2025 PDC Affiliate Tours shall receive an exemption to the final stage of 2026 Q School. For clarity, players eligible for exemptions or entries under this criteria must still enter via the online registration system and, where relevant, pay their entry fee.
Players who qualify for this exemption may choose which Q School to enter and must inform the Tournament Director in advance of the entry deadline, other than the representative from the PDC Nordic & Baltic Tour, who would play in the European Qualifying School. If any eligible player rejects this invitation or is otherwise not eligible, the runner-up in the Order of Merit shall be invited. If they reject the invitation or are otherwise not eligible, the invitation shall be withdrawn.
The First Stage of Q School will be played across three days, with the eight quarter-finalists from each day qualifying automatically for the Final Stage and the remaining places being decided by a Points List with one point being awarded per win from the first full round drawn without byes.
5.2 Tour Cards shall be awarded to the winner of each day’s play in Final Stage at both the UK and European Q School. Once a player has been awarded a Tour Card they shall not play in the remainder of Q School Final Stage.
The remaining Tour Cards will be awarded to the players who occupy the qualifying positions in the Q School Points List which shall be comprised of points as awarded in 5.3. Places will allocated to the relevant UK & European Q School Points Lists on a pro-rata basis from the final number of players who compete in at least one day of Q School.
Entrance to Q School constitutes acceptance of a Tour Card, if so earned by a player’s performance. If a player earns a Tour Card by virtue of their performance at Q School but declines a Tour Card, or is eligible for Final Stage either by exemption or qualification and does not participate on all days (unless they are a daily winner), they are not eligible to appear on the Q School Points List or play in ProTour (including European Tour qualifiers) or Secondary Tour Events in 2025.
A player who resigns their PDC Tour Card is not permitted to enter the following calendar year’s Qualifying School, but would be permitted to enter UK Open Amateur Qualifiers and any qualifying event which is not restricted to PDPA Full Members, provided that they satisfy any local qualification criteria.
5.3 A Merit Table for each Q School shall be compiled with players awarded one point per win from the first full round played without byes to determine the allocation of any additional Tour Cards as necessary.
In the First Stage, players will receive one point per victory from the first full round onwards on each day (defined as a round played without byes caused by the draw) to provide a Merit Table from which players will qualify for Final Stage, and the respective three-day blocks will operate their own Merit Table to provide further qualifiers for Final Stage. In the Final Stage, players will receive one point per victory from the Last 64 onwards on each day of Final Stage to form the Final Stage Merit Table.
The split of the required additional Tour Cards across both Qualifying Schools will be allocated pro-rata based on the final number of players who participate at each Qualifying School, and will be confirmed ahead of the commencement of the Final Stage.
Wins by virtue of a walkover in any round shall be counted as a 5-0 win in First Stage and a 6-0 win in Final Stage. If a player withdraws midway through a match their opponent shall be awarded the win by five (First Stage) or six (Final Stage) legs to however many legs the withdrawing player has won at the time of withdrawal.
At any point during Q School, if two or more players are tied on points, they will be separated in the Merit Table by (in order until they can be split): leg difference, legs won, DartConnect average based on their totals in their matches. Results in all matches played at the relevant stage are included in this countback. If the players cannot be split, a play-off will be organised. In the event of a discrepancy with DartConnect meaning averages cannot be verified then they will be disregarded.
5.4 Entry to Q School shall cost £400 plus a £75 2025 DRA Sanction Fee and be paid in advance. The player shall then be deemed to be an Associate Member of the PDPA for the year providing the player participates in at least one day of Q School. Players who achieve their Tour Card must upgrade to Full PDPA membership at a cost of an additional £100 in order to be granted their Tour Card.
6.1 Entry to Challenge Tour Events is open only to players who participated in the 2024 Q Schools but did not obtain a Tour Card.
6.2 Entry to Development Tour Events and the World Youth Championship and its associated qualifiers is open to all players who are aged 23 or under and 16 or over on January 4 2025.
Players who are ranked in the top 64 of the PDC Order of Merit on the cut-off date of an Event are not eligible to enter those Development Tour Events or Women’s Series Events. Players who turn 16 during 2025 shall be eligible to enter Development Tour or Women’s Series Events or World Youth Championship qualifiers from the date of their 16th birthday.
All Tour Card Holders meeting the age requirements shall automatically be entered into the World Youth Championship for that year and must inform the PDC before the date of the Event if they do not wish to participate.
6.3 The World Youth Championship starts at the Last 128 round and is comprised of a maximum of 32 invitations, plus any players who under rule 6.2 have qualified by virtue of holding a Tour Card with all remaining places up to 128 being taken from the final 2025 Development Tour Order of Merit, using countback as per rule 3.2 if required to determine positions.
6.4 Challenge Tour, Development Tour, Women’s Series Events and the World Youth Championship are played under the same rules and regulations as ProTour Events where not otherwise specified in this section.
Start times for Challenge Tour, Development Tour and Women’s Series Events will be advertised in advance of each Event on pdc.tv as they may vary due to entry levels or logistical reasons.
6.5 Development Tour and Women’s Series matches are played over the best of seven legs up to and including the last 16 and then best of nine legs from the last eight to the final. Challenge Tour matches are played over the best of nine legs.
The World Youth Championship is played over the best of nine legs for group stage matches and the best of 11 legs for the knockout stage. The group stage will consist of four players per group, with the top two players in each group to progress to a Last 64 knockout.
6.6 Challenge Tour, Development Tour and Women’s Series Events are played with an open draw with no seedings or exemptions.
The World Youth Championship will include 32 seeds, being based on the Main Order of Merit with the remaining positions based on the final 2025 Development Order of Merit, and will be played down to a Final. The Final will then be scheduled during a PDC Premier or Invitational Event at a later date (expected to be at the 2025 Players Championship Finals).
6.7 All prize money won in Challenge Tour, Development Tour and Women’s Series Events will count towards separate one-year Orders of Merit.
6.8 The Development Tour and Women’s Series entry fees are £25 per Event. Challenge Tour entry is £55 per Event. Entries must be made online prior to 1400 UK time on the Wednesday preceding the weekend’s Events. There is no entry fee for the World Youth Championship.
6.9 The following invitations are offered to players competing in the Challenge Tour, Development Tour, Women’s Series and World Youth Championship:
(i) The two highest ranked players on the 2025 Development Tour Order of Merit and then the two highest ranked players on the 2025 Challenge Tour Order of Merit and then the two highest ranked players on the 2025 Women’s Series Order of Merit receive an invitation to the 2025/26 World Championship.
NOTE: if any of the players who achieve the above otherwise qualify for the 2025/26 World Championship, or reject their invitations, further places shall be offered to other players from the relevant Order of Merit until the places are filled.
For clarity, the order of priority in which players can qualify for the World Championship is as follows:
- Main Order of Merit
- ProTour Order of Merit
- Development Tour Order of Merit
- Challenge Tour Order of Merit
- Women’s Series
(i) The winner of the 2025 Women’s World Matchplay will receive an invitation to the 2025 Grand Slam of Darts and 2025/26 World Championship. The winner of the 2025 World Youth Championship will receive an invitation to the 2025/26 World Championship and the finalists will receive an invitation to the 2026 Grand Slam of Darts.
NOTE: if any of the players who achieve the above otherwise qualify for the 2025 Grand Slam of Darts or 2025/26 World Championship, or reject their invitations, no further places shall be offered. The place in the 2025/26 World Championship will then be added to the Tour Card Holder Qualifier.
(ii) The top two players on the final 2025 Challenge and Development Tour Orders of Merit who have not otherwise qualified for Tour Cards for 2025 will receive two-year Tour Cards.
NOTE: if any of the players who achieve the above otherwise qualify for a Tour Card or reject their invitations, places will be offered further down the Challenge and Development Tour Orders of Merit.
(iii) The players who finish third to 16th (countback applied in event of ties) on the 2025 Challenge Tour and Development Tour Orders of Merit and from first to eighth (countback applied in event of ties) on the 2025 Women’s Series Order of Merit will receive free entry to the 2026 Q School.
NOTE: in the event that any of the players above already have a Tour Card or qualify otherwise for a Q School place, places will be offered further down the Challenge and Development Tour and Women’s Series Orders of Merit. Should a player reject their invitation, places will not be offered further down the Challenge and Development Tour and Women’s Series Orders of Merit.
6.10 In the event of entries exceeding 256 per Event, the PDC reserves the right to alter the format or entry criteria.
7.1 Participation in all PDC Events is subject to players adhering to the Darts Regulation Authority rulebook. Special attention is drawn to the rules referring to behaviour and dress code. Players are required to be aged 16 or above to participate in PDC tournaments, unless otherwise advertised.
7.2 The PDC reserves the right to remove any Event from the calendar without prior notice but will endeavour not to add any Event to the calendar without a minimum of three months’ notice.
7.3 The PDC accepts no responsibility for any loss, financial or otherwise, incurred by any player or other person in relation to the change in an Event’s date, location or schedule providing such change is advertised on pdc.tv more than three months before the opening day of the relevant Event.
In the event of a change occurring within three months of the opening day of an Event, the PDC will enter into good faith negotiations with any player who can prove they have incurred non-refundable or changeable travel or accommodation expenses for themselves only.
7.4 The PDC reserves the right to consult with the PDPA to add to or amend any or all of these rules at any time to meet any purpose deemed to be necessary at that time by the PDC.
7.5 All match results and prize money awarded shall be recorded in all stages of all PDC Premier, ProTour and Secondary Events and this information shall be published as soon as possible after an Event has been concluded on pdc.tv.
7.6 A Player who wishes to participate in a PDC or PDC affiliated event where nationality is a determining factor for eligibility must prove the following in order to satisfy the PDC’s criteria for nationality:
(i) The player was born in that nation; OR
(ii) The player holds a valid passport for that nation; OR
(iv) The player has continuous residency (defined as their primary or permanent home in the nation) for five consecutive years immediately preceding the date of the relevant event.
In cases where a player holds dual citizenship, the player will be required to determine their primary nationality at the time of entering the relevant event and may not then change nationality for a period of five years.
In cases where a qualifying event is being staged by a local PDC affiliated organisation, the PDC’s eligibility rules shall take precedence over those of the local organisation in respect of whether a player is permitted to enter the event or not. In contentious cases, the player’s eligibility must be approved in writing by the PDC before the player is permitted to participate in the event.
A player who enters an Event and is subsequently denied permission to participate for reasons of eligibility of their nationality shall be entitled to a refund of their entry fee but no further liability shall be accepted by the PDC or its affiliate organisation.
NOTE: This ruling has been implemented following consultation with the PDPA and both the PDC and PDPA are aware there are a larger number of unique and specific cases regarding player nationalities. Therefore, the PDC reserves the right to alter or adapt this ruling at its sole discretion in individual cases in the interests of fairness and sporting integrity.
7.7 This document will remain in force until the completion of all 2025 Events unless otherwise advised. Amendments will be announced on the PDC’s official website www.pdc.tv and unless otherwise stated will come in to force immediately from time of announcement.
2024/25 Paddy Power World Darts Championship
Total |
Winner |
£500,000 |
Runner-Up |
£200,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£100,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£50,000 |
Fourth Round Losers |
£35,000 |
Third Round Losers |
£25,000 |
Second Round Losers |
£15,000 |
First Round Losers |
£7,500 |
Total |
£2,500,000 |
BetMGM Premier League
2024 |
Winner |
£275,000 |
Runner-Up |
£125,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£85,000 x2 |
Fifth Place |
£75,000 |
Sixth Place |
£70,000 |
Seventh Place |
£65,000 |
Eighth Place |
£60,000 |
Night Winner’s Bonus |
£10,000 x16 |
Total |
£1,000,000 |
Betfred World Matchplay
2024 |
Winner |
£200,000 |
Runner-Up |
£100,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£50,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£30,000 |
Last 16 |
£15,000 |
Last 32 |
£10,000 |
Total |
£800,000 |
Mr Vegas Grand Slam of Darts
2024 |
Winner |
£150,000 |
Runner-Up |
£70,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£50,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£25,000 |
Last 16 |
£12,250 |
Third In Group |
£8,000 |
Fourth In Group |
£5,000 |
Group Winner Bonus |
£3,500 |
Total |
£650,000 |
BoyleSports World Grand Prix
2024 |
Winner |
£120,000 |
Runner-Up |
£60,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£40,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£25,000 |
Last 16 |
£15,000 |
Last 32 |
£7,500 |
Total |
£600,000 |
Ladbrokes Players Championship Finals
2024 |
Winner |
£120,000 |
Runner-Up |
£60,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£30,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£20,000 |
Last 16 |
£10,000 |
Last 32 |
£6,500 |
Last 64 |
£3,000 |
Total |
£600,000 |
Machineseeker European Championship
2024 |
Winner |
£120,000 |
Runner-Up |
£60,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£40,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£25,000 |
Last 16 |
£15,000 |
Last 32 |
£7,500 |
Total |
£600,000 |
Ladbrokes UK Open
2024 |
Winner |
£110,000 |
Runner-Up |
£50,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£30,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£15,000 |
Last 16 |
£10,000 |
Last 32 |
£5,000 |
Last 64 |
£2,500 |
Last 96 |
£1,500 |
Last 128 |
£1,000 |
Total |
£600,000 |
Winmau World Masters
2025 |
Winner |
£100,000 |
Runner-Up |
£50,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£30,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£12,500 |
Last 16 |
£10,000 |
Last 32 |
£5,000 |
Preliminary Rounds Last 16 |
£2,500 |
Preliminary Rounds Last 32 |
£1,000 |
Preliminary Rounds Last 64 |
£750 |
Total |
£500,000 |
Jack's World Series of Darts Finals
2024 |
Winner |
£80,000 |
Runner-Up |
£40,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£25,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£17,500 |
Last 16 |
£10,000 |
Last 32 |
£5,000 |
Total |
£400,000 |
World Cup of Darts
2024 |
Winner (Per Team) |
£80,000 |
Runner-Up (Per Team) |
£50,000 |
Semi-Finalists (Per Team) |
£30,000 |
Quarter-Finalists (Per Team) |
£20,000 |
Last 16 (Per Team) |
£9,000 |
Second In Group (Per Team) |
£5,000 |
Total |
£450,000 |
World Series of Darts International Events
2025 |
Winner |
£30,000 |
Runner-Up |
£16,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£10,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£5,000 |
Last 16 |
£1,750 |
Total |
£100,000 |
European Tour Events
2024 |
Winner |
£30,000 |
Runner-Up |
£12,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£8,500 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£6,000 |
Last 16 |
£4,000 |
Last 32 |
£2,500 |
Last 48 |
£1,250 |
Total (per event) |
£175,000 |
Players Championship Events
2024 |
Winner |
£15,000 |
Runner-Up |
£10,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£5,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£3,500 |
Last 16 |
£2,500 |
Last 32 |
£1,500 |
Last 64 |
£1,000 |
Total |
£125,000 |
Total (x30) |
£3,750,000 |
PDC Challenge Tour/Development Tour Events
2024 |
Winner |
£2,500 |
Runner-Up |
£1,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£750 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£500 |
Last 16 |
£300 |
Last 32 |
£200 |
Last 64 |
£75 |
Total |
£15,000 |
Challenge Tour |
£360,000 |
PDC World Youth Championship
2024 |
Winner |
£12,000 + Place in 2024/2025 World Darts Championship & 2025 Grand Slam of Darts |
Runner-Up |
£6,000 + Place in 2025 Grand Slam of Darts |
Semi-Finalists |
£3,000 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£2,000 |
Last 16 |
£1,500 |
Last 32 |
£1,000 |
Second in Group |
£600 |
Third in Group |
£400 |
Fourth in Group |
£250 |
Total |
£100,000 |
PDC Women's Series Events
2024 |
Winner |
£2,000 |
Runner-Up |
£1,000 |
Semi-Finalists |
£500 |
Quarter-Finalists |
£300 |
Last 16 |
£200 |
Last 32 |
£100 |
Last 64 * |
£50 |
Total |
£10,000 |
Total x24 Events |
£240,000 |
* Last 64 prize money will only be paid in the event of entries reaching a minimum of 128 players.
Any updates, revisions or amendments to the initially advertised 2025 PDC Order of Merit rules will be confirmed at this page.
3.7 - updated 12/2/25 to read
If a player withdraws from a European Tour event after the final qualifying event has taken place or after the draw for the Event has been made (whichever is earliest), the replacement player will come from a reserve list from the Tour Card Holder Qualifier where final round losers will be ranked in PDC Main Order of Merit position based on ranking on the day of the PDPA Full Members Qualifier.