Clarys Set For Further Checks

ERIK CLARYS will have further tests in November to assess his recovery from the broken elbow which has left his career in doubt.

The Belgian was injured when he fell from a ladder in June ahead of the Budweiser UK Open finals.

He has already undergone a string of operations to rebuild the elbow joint he shattered on his right - and throwing - arm.

However, a build-up of calcium in recent weeks has restricted his movement in the joint and led to fears that he may need further surgery.

Clarys will have further X-rays on 7 November and will then discover if he will needs to return to the operating theatre.

"All was going well but now it's not so good," he admitted in his column in the Darts4You magazine.

"I am now asking myself the question 'Will I ever play again?'

"The progress of healing was so quick at first that I produced some calcium around the bone and this restricted my movement."