Important News For LIVEPDC Subscribers

SUBSCRIBERS to the PDC's official online video service at www.LIVEPDC.TV are being asked to check their registered details at the website to avoid any potential issues renewing their subscriptions or receiving email notifications from the PDC and our website providers.

Fans with a subscription to www.LIVEPDC.TV are able to watch full coverage of the remaining two PDC European Tour events being held in Innsbruck this weekend and in Sindelfingen in October, as well as coverage from major televised PDC events* throughout the remainder of the year.

An additional benefit for all LIVEPDC.TV Annual Subscribers is Priority Ticket Sales for major PDC events, with tickets for the 2016 Betway Premier League set to go on sale within the coming weeks.

Priority Ticket Sales are preceded by a cut-off for fans to have a LIVEPDC.TV Annual Subscription, and the PDC are advising all registered users of www.LIVEPDC.TV to check their account details as follows:
  • Log in to www.LIVEPDC.TV, go to the My Account section and check that you still have an active subscription (NB An Annual Subscription is required to be eligible for Priority Sales Periods).
  • If your subscription is due to expire, check that your bank details have not changed which could cause your repeat payment to fail.
  • Check that the email address registered to your account is correct.
  • Select "Yes" to the box for "Send me regular updates by email" to ensure that you receive information emails and ticket announcements.
  • Fans with any queries relating to their account can contact the Customer Services team using this Feedback Form.
2016 Betway Premier League ticket information will be announced at once finalised.

* PDC major televised events are only available live for LIVEPDC International Pass Subscribers outside of the UK, Ireland and Netherlands, due to TV contracts within these regions. Subscribers inside the UK, Ireland and Netherlands can see highlights uploaded 24 hours following each session.