A RECORD field will compete in the 2018 PDC Qualifying Schools, with over 600 players set to challenge for PDC Tour Cards in Wigan and Hildesheim from January 18-21.
A total of 33 PDC Tour Cards will be on offer across the two Qualifying Schools, with simultaneous events being held in the UK and Germany this year to reflect the ongoing growth of the sport.
The final two players at the UK Qualifying School on each of the four days will win an automatic PDC Tour Card, alongside the winner of the European Qualifying School on each day.
In addition, players will earn ranking points per victory in each full round of the event (which does not include Byes), which will be used to form the Q School Orders of Merit.
A further 15 PDC Tour Cards will be awarded to the UK Qualifying School Order of Merit, with six PDC Tour Cards going to players from the European Qualifying School Order of Merit.
The entries for the UK Qualifying School include former World Matchplay and World Grand Prix champion Colin Lloyd, the ex-world number one who is bidding to make his return to the circuit following a two-year break.
Fellow former World Matchplay winner Peter Evison and former TV finalists Wes Newton, Colin Osborne, Barrie Bates, Shayne Burgess will also be in action in Wigan.
Recent World Youth Champions Corey Cadby, Arron Monk and James Hubbard will also be competing, while experienced stars including Andy Smith Andy Jenkins, Dennis Smith, Alan Tabern and Dean Winstanley - following a year's break - are also in action.
Former Lakeside Championship finalists Tony O'Shea and Jeff Smith - previously a Tour Card Holder in 2012-2013 - are joined by former BDO World Trophy winner Darryl Fitton in Wigan.
Cameron Menzies and Jamie Hughes both followed up their 2017 Grand Slam of Darts appearances by competing recently in the Lakeside Championship, while former World Masters semi-finalist Martin Atkins is also taking part in Qualifying School for the first time.
International hopefuls in action in Wigan include Canadian youngster Dawson Murschell and former World Championship qualifiers David Fatum (USA), Nolan Arendse and Warrick Scheffer (South Africa), Cody Harris (New Zealand), Ken MacNeil (Canada), Haruki Muramatsu and Keita Ono (Japan).
Another former Lakeside Championship finalist, Dutchman Danny Noppert, is amongst the hopefuls in action at the European Qualifying School in Germany, while Sweden's Dennis Nilsson also recently competed in the Lakeside Championship.
Teenager Nico Blum - who became the youngest competitor on the European Tour circuit aged just 16 last year - is bidding to follow fellow countryman Martin Schindler in winning a Tour Card, after the Berlin ace's 2017 success.
Belgium's Mike De Decker is a four-time PDC Unicorn Development Tour event winner, while Austrian teenager Rusty-Jake Rodriguez - who won the 2017 JDC Junior World Championship final last month - joins elder brother Roxy-James in bidding to join Rowby-John on the professional circuit.
Brazil's Diogo Portela, who competed in both the World Cup of Darts and World Championship last year, has opted to compete in the European Qualifying School.
Germany's Kevin Munch, Poland's Krzysztof Ratajski, Belgium's Kenny Neyens and Croatia's Alan Ljubic also recently competed in the World Championship alongside Finland's Kim Viljanen, who topped the PDCNB rankings in 2017.
Russia's Boris Koltsov, Hungary's Nandor Bezzeg, Czech Republic ace Frantisek Humpula are amongst the players with World Cup of Darts experience, while Bernd Roith, Tomas Seyler and Michael Rosenauer are veterans of the German circuit.
Follow www.pdc.tv from January 18-21 for live results from the UK and European Qualifying Schools, which start at 12pm local time for each venue.
All games are the best of nine legs.
UK Qualifying School Entries
Robin Park Tennis Centre, Wigan
Ben Adams
Lance Adams
Robert Adnams
Kenichi Ajiki
Nolan Arendse
Nathan Aspinall
Martin Atkins (Leeds)
Martin Atkins (Wigan)
Daniel Ayres
Curtis Bagley
James Bailey
Leon Bailey
Richard Baillie
Kevin Bambrick
Mark Barilli
Michael Barnard
Chas Barstow
James Barton
Daniel Batchelor
Barrie Bates
Max Baulcomb
Greg Beard
Michael Beard
Aaron Beeney
Andrew Beeton
Nicholas Bell
Sean Bell
Andrew Belton
Christopher Bent
Darren Beveridge
Gary Blackwood
Sam Booth
Philip Borthwick
Andy Boulton
John Bowles
Adam Bowman
Jordan Boyce
Martin Bradbury
Kenneth Bramall
Peter Bramley
Derek Brand
Bradley Brooks
Rachel Brooks
Gary Broomhead
Justin Broton
Anthony Brown
John Brown
Steve Brown
Dean Buckland
Lee Budgen
Shayne Burgess
Peter Burgoyne
Trevor Burkhill
Kevin Burness
Ben Burton
Corey Cadby
Ray Campbell
Keith Robert Carter
Simon Cassidy
Lee Chambers
Matt Clark
Matthew Clarke
Brett Claydon
Joshua Clements
Daniel Cole
Jarred Cole
Tony Cole
Declan Coles
Robert Collins
Stuart Comerford
Karl Corcoran
Richie Corner
Andy Cornwall
John Court
Simon Craven
John Crossley
Bobby Crozier
Jason Cullen
Niall Culleton
Andrew Cummins
Steven Cupitt
Christopher Dale
Scott Dale
Antony Darlow
John Davey
Ben Davies
Shaun Davies
Gary Davison
Paul Dawkins
Michael Dawson
Peter Day
Jason Delahunty
Matthew Dennant
Nathan Derry
Lorenzo Deveaux
Matthew Dicken
Jack Dickinson
Paul Dinning
Eddie Dootson
JohnPaul Dowdall
Kevin Dowling
Dylan Duo
Aaron Dyer
Gary Eastwood
Matthew Edgar
Dafydd Edwards
David Edwards
Kevin Edwards
Jamie Ellam
David Evans
Kieran Evans
Lee Evans
Ted Evetts
Peter Evison
BJ Fairhurst
Mark Farmer
David Fatum
George Fawcett
Steven Ferguson
Peter Fisher
Darryl Fitton
Bradley Fleming
Dean Forde
Jay Foreman
Mark Forman
Andrew Foster
Alex Frith
Mark Frost
Jack Fuller
Nick Fullwell
Dale Gadsby
Malcom Gallacher
Peter Gallacher
Adam Gallett
Matt Gallett
Billy Gallie
Stephen Gallimore
Kevin Garcia
George Gardner
Danny Gengler
Keith Geraghty
Glenn Gibson
Amit Gilitwala
Michael Gillet
Callum Goffin
John Goldie
Paul Goodwin
Phillip Goodwin
Ryan Gowans
Mark Graham
Adrian Gray
Jamie Green
Tom Gregory
Rhys Griffin
Shaun Griffiths
Martin Grimble
Lee Grimshaw
Sam Guest
Jamie Guilfoyle
Gary Gullan
Sheamus Hagan
James Hajdar
Rees Hall
Carl Hamilton
Sam Hamilton
Curtis Hammond
Steven Harbert
Luke Hardy
Ryan Harrington
Cody Harris
Lee Harris
Michael Harrison
Kelvin Hart
Ryan Hart
Chris Hartrey
Paul Harvey
Will Harwood
Rhys Hayden
Sam Head
Jonathan Hewitt
Rob Hewson
David Hicks
Ash Hilditch
Kalani Hillman
Ashley Holgate
Paul Holloway
Rob Holroyd
Dave Honey
Shaun Howell
Richie Howson
James Hubbard
Adam Huckvale
Peter Hudson
Jamie Hughes
Robert Hughes
Matt Hunt
Michael Huntley
Ian Hurley
Andy Hutchings
Dean Hyde
Craig Ingram
Charlie Jackson
Chris Jackson
Matt Jackson
Gavin James
Lee James
Andy Jenkins
Dafydd Jenkins
Paul Jenkinson
Nick Jennings
Sonny Johal
Sean Johnson
Jordan Johnston
Emyr Jones
Ian Jones
Jnr Joyce
Ryan Joyce
Jon Jukes
Michael Kavanagh
Brendan Kearns
Stuart Kellett
Jamie Kelling
Charlie Kemp
Luke Kennedy
George Killington
Steven Kirkby
Veljko Knezevic
Dave Ladley
James Lane
Kevin Lane
Daniel Lauby
Mark Lawrence
Darren Layden
Daniel Lee
Ian Lever
Craig Lewis
Colin Littlecott
Colin Lloyd
Phil Locke
Tom Lonsdale
Callum Loose
Edward Lovely
Thomas Lovely
Jason Lovett
Jason Lowe
Martin Lukeman
Darren Lynch
Barry Lynn
Patrick Lynskey
Callum Mackay
Ken MacNeil
Owen Maiden
Jack Main
John Mann
James Marcroft
Steven Marfleet
Jason Marriott
Scott Marsh
David Marson
Tony Martin
Callum Matthews
Darren Mawer
Kris McCall
Josh McCarthy
Michael McCloskey
Paul McCrevey
Kevin McDonnell
Michael McFall
Ian McFarlane
Andre McGill
Robert McKenzie
Jim McKevitt
Jimmy McKirdy
Steve McNally
Christopher McTernan
Andrew Meikle
Ryan Meikle
Cameron Menzies
Paul Milford
Glen Miller
Dean Mills
Chris Millward
Paul Mitchell
Peter Mitchell
Arron Monk
Brandonn Monk
Barry Morgan
John Morris
Roy Morris
Josh Mortensen
Ian Moss
Jim Moston
Adam Mould
Haruki Muramatsu
Jay Murphy
Jimmy Murphy
Ryan Murray
Dawson Murschell
Coni Singh Nagi
Tony Newell
Wes Newton
Mike Norton
Mike Nott
John O'Shea
Shane O'Connor
Damien O'Driscoll
Keith O'Neill
Richard Onions
Keita Ono
Colin Osborne
Tony O'Shea
Dean Owen
Robert Owen
Matt Padgett
Joey Palfreyman
Lee Palfreyman
David Pallett
Ryan Palmer
Dyson Parody
David Patterson
Andy Pearson
Shane Pearson
Wayne Pepper
Steve Perren
Paul Phillips
Chris Ping
Darren Place
John Power
Michael Power
Andrew Poynton
Simon Preston
Shane Price
Lewis Pride
Dave Prins
Mark Pritchard
Neil Pullen
Craig Quinn
Rohit Rabadia
Nathan Rafferty
Steve Randall
Dan Read
Mikey Rees
Craig Reeves
Shane Reidy
Kirk Reynolds
Ian Richards
Nathan Richards
Dave Richardson
Dennis Richardson
Tony Richardson
Robert Rickwood
Ross Rimmer
Greg Ritchie
Terry Roach
Ronnie Roberts
Harry Robinson
Reece Robinson
Scott Rollings
Keith Rooney
Paul Russell
Sean Ryan
Callan Rydz
Zac Sanders
Warrick Scheffer
Roger Scrivens
Connor Scutt
Jaikob Selby
Kelvin Self
Adam Shanks
David Sharp
Vernon Sheppard
Lee Shewan
Lee Siddle
Kevin Simm
Ben Simpson
Joe Singleton
Keith Slocombe
Andy Smith
Damian Smith
Dennis Smith
Jeff Smith
Justin Smith
Morgan Smith
Paul Smith
Robert Smith
Ross Smith
Steven Smith
Tom Smith
Gavin Smith
Adam Smith-Neale
Adam Spencer
Kevin Stanley
Aaron Stevens
Evander Stevenson
Simon Stevenson
Micky Stocks
Stuart Stubbs
Bryn Suckley
Ricky Sudale
Lee Sutcliffe
Alan Tabern
Alan Tabern Jnr
Simon Tate
Steve Taylor
Terry Temple
Douglas Thomas
Kevin Thomas
Martin Thomas
Kieran Timmins
Jack Todd
Mick Todd
Nathan Treadgold
Lee Turle
Aaron Turner
Martyn Turner
Barry Tyler
Anthony Urmston-Toft
Trevor Vallely
Jim Walker
Mark Walsh
Robert Walsh
Ben Ward
Harry Ward
Chris Ware
Anthony Warne
James Welding
Chris White
Eddie White
Carl Wilkinson
Bradley Williams
Marc Williams
Matt Williams
Ricky Williams
Josh Wills
Chris Wilson
David Wilson
Jason Wilson
Mark Wilson
Stuart Wilson
Dean Winstanley
Ian Withers
Luke Woodhouse
Brian Woods
Jonathan Worsley
Jonathan Wynn
European Qualifying School Entries
Halle 39, Hildesheim
Jorgen Aerts
Tobias Anliker
Marco Apollonio
Jyhan Artut
Duvaan Ata
Ronald Balfoort
Gerrit Begemann
Jeffrey Bekema
Rene Berndt
Philipp Beuermann
Nandor Bezzeg
Manfred Bilderl
Andy Bless
Nico Blum
Christian Bunse
Tom Burquel
Luis Camacho
Ricardo Fernandez Carballo
Ulf Ceder
Andre Christen
Gabriel Clemens
Mike De Decker
Melvin de Fijter
Ryan De Vreede
Jeffrey de Zwaan
Lyuben Dimitrov
Gino Drobick
Matthias Ehlers
Rene Eidams
El Abbas El Amri
Marvin Esser
Florian Flickinger
Bjorn Fransen
Fabian Freitag
Dominic Fritschi
Michel Furlani
Thomas Gerock
Philipp Gerwing
Mats Gies
Armin Glanzer
Christian Goedl
Kai Gotthardt
Andreas Gradert
Jochen Graudenz
Helge Gross
Fredi Gselmann
Marcel Gugger
Christopher Haensch
Michael Haeusler
Fons Hardeman
Mick Hasse
Teuvo Haverinen
Simeon Heinz
Tom Heldt
Florian Hempel
Jerry Hendriks
Leo Hendriks
Sascha Hertrich
Fabian Herz
Tobias Hoentsch
Wim Hofsink
Ole Holtkamp
Mike Holz
Dragutin Horvat
Frantisek Humpula
Remon Hurrebrink
Michael Hurtz
Heikki Hyvonen
Chris Iedema
Kevin Illge
Noah Janz
Harri Jukkola
Thomas Junghans
Jose Antonio Justicia Perales
Brian Kaemena
Christian Kallinger
Vincent Kamphuis
Tytus Kanik
Marko Kantele
Jens Kniest
Kevin Knopf
Thomas Kohlmann
Boris Koltsov
Arjan Konterman
Karsten Kornath
Sammy Kreitz
Felix Krueger
Maik Kuivenhoven
Nico Kurz
Mathias Lang
Julian Licht
Markus Linn
Alan Ljubic
Felix Losan
Jean-Marc Luetolf
Nico Mandl
Robert Marijanovic
Peter Martin
Yordi Meeuwisse
Till Meischner
Eddy Merlijn
Stanislaw Mezler
John Michael
Andrea Micheletti
Mareno Michels
Angelos Moulangelis
Frederic Mozelewski
Tobias Mueller
Kevin Munch
Garunakumar Murugappar Markandu
Geert Nentjes
Kenny Neyens
Stefan Nilles
Dennis Nilsson
Danny Noppert
Gabriel Florin Olar
Baran Ozdemir
Igor Pacic
Keith Paetzold
Alexande Pas
Gerd Patzel
Lars Penzin
Jesus Noguera Perea
Lasse Petersen
Ricardo Pietreczko
Jose Henrique Pinto De Sena
Tobias Ploetz
Michael Plooy
Milan Pongracz
Diogo Portela
Marko Puls
Brian Raman
Michael Rasztovits
Krzysztof Ratajski
Karl Reiszner
Holger Rettig
Mario Robbe
Roxy-James Rodriguez
Rusty-Jake Rodriguez
Bernd Roith
Gabriel Rollo
Michael Rosenauer
David Rosi
Anton Salge
Nico Schlund
Erik Schmeitz
Josef Schneider
Hannes Schnier
Ron Schouten
Karel Sedlacek
Jose Ventura Seijas Ramos
Garry Sess
Tomas Seyler
Daniel Shorbaji
Steffen Siepmann
Michal Smejda
Henry Smit
Daniel Sprudzs
Michael Stoeten
Veniamin Symeonidis
Radoslaw Szaganski
Stefan Taferner
Erik Tautfest
Danny Tessmann
Michael Tetkovic
Dominik Thiel
Olaf Tupuschis
Michele Turetta
Nick Umland
Davy Van Baelen
Christoff Van De Wal
Dick van Dijk
Michael Van Dijk
Dirk van Duijvenbode
Berry van Peer
Carlo van Peer
Davyd Venken
Dennis Verhaegen
Wilco Vermeulen
Kim Viljanen
Ingo Vogt
Okke Weerstand
Tino Wingerter
Pascal Wirotius