A total of 31 PDC Tour Cards for 2024-2025 will now be available at the 2024 PDC Qualifying Schools.
The Final Stage of PDC Qualifying Schools will be held from January 11-14 in Milton Keynes and Kalkar, as hundreds of players battle to win a coveted place on the PDC circuit.
A total of 128 PDC Tour Cards would be held each year - led by the top 64 players from the PDC Order of Merit following the Paddy Power World Darts Championship - and joined by those players starting the second year of their 2023-2024 Tour Card.
That would have left 30 places available at the Qualifying Schools this week.
However, the 2024 PDC Order of Merit Rules now includes an amendment to Rule 3.10, which states:
The PDC may remove a Tour Card from any player who does not participate in a ProTour event during the first 12 months of their Tour Card unless a bona-fide, independently verified medical certificate can be provided.
As such, the Tour Card won by Corey Cadby at the 2023 Qualifying School has now been removed, creating an additional place in this year's event.